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Weevil #104849319
AÃÂ weevilÃÂ is a type ofÃÂ beetleÃÂ from theÃÂ CurculionoideaÃÂ superfamily. They are usually small, less than 6ÃÂ mm & x28;0.24ÃÂ in& x29;, andÃÂ herbivorous. Over 60,000 species are in several families, mostly in the familyÃÂ CurculionidaeÃÂ & x28;theÃÂ true weevils& x29;. Some other beetles, although not closely related, bear the name & x22;weevil& x22;, such as theÃÂ biscuit weevil& x28;Stegobium paniceum& x29;, which belongs to the familyÃÂ Anobiidae.