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Butterfly falls on the leaves of pepper #107538104
The size of the body is usually medium or small, and the largest species of wings extends to 90mm. Color is light, usually white, yellow and orange, and often with black or red markings. The forewing hindwing triangle, oval, tailless process. The anterior foot is normal and has a two claw with two bifurcations. Many species are type two. Male androconia in different genera in different parts: forewing base, hind wing cubital base angle, ventricular base, or the end of the abdomen. Some species are seasonal. Oval shaped or pagoda shaped, long and upright. The larva has a cylindrical, slender, chest, and abdominal crumpled ring. Pupae is a pupa. The host is the Cruciferae, Leguminosae, cauliflower, Rosaceae, etc., some are vegetable or t tree pests.