Designed by
Hypericum #116941335
The golden thread is also called the dog Hu Hua & x28;Anhui Mount Holyoke& x29;, the golden thread butterfly & x28;Sichuan Nanchuan, Zhejiang Yueqing& x29;, the road yellow & x28;Sichuan Fengjie& x29;, the Begonia & x28;Shandong chatter& x29;, the lotus & x28;Shaanxi stone spring& x29;, the soil forsythia, for the genus Hypericum, a semi evergreen small tree or shrub: ground at the end of every growing season. It& x27;s perennial. Branchlets slender and branched, leaves papery, sessile, opposite, long elliptic, flowering 6-7 months. A cymose inflorescence is placed on the top of the shoot, with golden yellow flowers and a bunch of finely stamen filaments.