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Structures of Royal Palace in Phnom Penh #121040156
This photo was taken in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Royal Palace Khmer: ážâáŸâážšáŸâ¡Ã¡Å¾âážšážËរាážâ¡Ã¡Å¾ÅាáŸâ ážâážâáŸÆážâáŸâážšáŸâ¡Ã¡Å¾Å¡Ã¡Å¾Â¶Ã¡Å¾â¡Ã¡Å¾Â¶Ã¡Å¾Å½Ã¡Å¾Â¶Ã¡Å¾â¦Ã¡Å¾â¬Ã¡Å¸âážšážâ¬Ã¡Å¾ËáŸâážâáž»ážâ¡Ã¡Å¾Â¶, Preah Barum Reachea Veang Nei Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea; French: Palais royal de Phnom Penh, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is a complex of buildings which serves as the royal residence of the king of Cambodia. Its full name in the Khmer language is Preah Barum Reachea Veang Chaktomuk Serei Mongkol Khmer: ážâáŸâážšáŸâ¡Ã¡Å¾âážšážËរាážâ¡Ã¡Å¾ÅាáŸâ ážâážâ¦Ã¡Å¾Âáž»ážËáž»ážÂសិរីážËážâáŸâážâážâº. The Kings of Cambodia have occupied it since it was built in 1860s, with a period of absence when the country came into turmoil during and after the reign of the Khmer Rouge.