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Holy Shrine of Husayn Ibn Ali, Karbala, Iraq #131317871
The Imam Husain Shrine or the Station of Imam Husayn Ibn Ali is the mosque and burial site of Husayn Ibn Ali, the third Imam of Islam, in the city of Karbala, Iraq. The Shrine includes one court, mausoleum and a dome covered with tiles and two minarets with heads plated with gold. It stands on the site of the Mausoleum of Imam Husayn, who was a grandson of Muhammad, near the place where he was martyred during the Battle of Karbala. The tomb of Imam Husayn is one of the holiest places for Shia Muslims. Every year, millions of pilgrims visit the city to observe Ashura, which marks the anniversary of Imam Husayn`s death.