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Labyrinth illustration maze background #190168364
In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth Greek: ÃâºÃ±Ã²ÃÂÃÂùýøÿÃâ, LabyÃÂrinthos[a] was an elaborate, confusing structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. A maze is a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance to a goal. The word is used to refer both to branching tour puzzles through which the solver must find a route, and to simpler non-branching The term `labyrinth` is generally synonymous with `maze`, but can also connote specifically a unicursal pattern.[1] The pathways and walls in a maze are typically fixed, but puzzles in which the walls and paths can change during the game are also categorised as mazes or tour puzzles.