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White Pertunia surfinia on green leaf and cane background. #191272842
White Pertunia on green leaf and cane background. Trailing Surfinia. These amazing Surfinia are a strain of trailing Petunia and are a popular choice in UK gardens. Floriferous, half-hardy and tolerant to wind and rain, with a little care cascading Surfinia will give you a spectacular display all summer long. Great in baskets, containers and window boxes. The trailing petunia is my favourite flowering annual perfect for many different garden locations. Blooming profusely during the heat of summer, they are perfect for a hot sunny patio or empty garden bed, where they will quickly form a low mat of flowers, blooming from late spring till the first frost of autumn. Pinching Young PlantsWhen you pinch out the tip of a petunia, it stimulates new growth by causing the release of growth hormones. This helps new transplants become established faster, so pinch all petunias when you set them out in the garden. Prompt deadheading encourages lots of flowers. are a popular annual that bloom in spring and summer. wait. until the last spring frost to plant your petunias. they prefer full Sun and are heat tolerant.