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Nikon AF-S 50 / 1.8 G lens and hoya filter #196130735
Nikon AF 50 / 1.8 optics. The basic concept is nothing new. This is a bright and sharp optics that is suitable both as normal optics for full-frame cameras or as short telephony for models with the smaller APS-C sensor Nikon`s DX format.The areas of use are many, but typical use is for still life, landscape photography, indoor photos and action photography thanks to good brightness, as well as portraits if you have a camera with an APS-C sensor.Lens Type - NormalLens mount - Nikon F AFConstruction - 7 lenses / 6 groupsFocal length - 50mmBrightness - 1.8Image Stabilization -NoProximity limit - 0.45Max. imaging scale -1: 6.7Filter diameter - 58mmDimensions - 72 x 52.5mmWeight - 185.0
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