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SEMENEC OBSERVATION TOWER view sunset #206093145
It is currently the fourth smallest observation tower in the Czech Republic. Originally, a wooden pavilion stood on this site; the 5 m high concrete lookout tower built here in the 1930s offers breathtaking views of the Vltava River and the entire town of Týn nad Vltavou. You can reach the Semenec observation tower from the center of town on TyrÃ
¡ova St. Turn left at the Sokol gym and continue down Alej MÃÂru on the red hiking trail to the tower 1.5 km. The red hiking trail continues on to KolodÃâºje nad LuÃ
¾nicàand, along the LuÃ
¾nice, to BechynÃâº. Located a short distance from the tower is the remarkable Semenec Museum of Natural History, over an area of four hectares you will find a number of unique natural science collections intertwined with game and educational elements, adventurous tasks and activities for children, which will entertain you for the whole afternoon. For schools, it offers educational and experiential programs, which are a great addition to learning, and is the perfect place for a school trip.