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Cartoon animals of the alphabet #22819511
Illustration of animals that start with the alphabet and counting images. Afghan with a bow. A bison that is also a buffalo. A centipede that lost a shoe. A deer that is a doe. An elephant playing in the water. A flamingo standing. A spotted goat. A pretty horse. An iguana on a stick. A jackrabbit with large ears. A kangaroo with a baby. A lama that is startled. A baby monkey. Newfoundland dog going swimming. An owl that lives in a barn. A penguin serving drinks. A quail as cute as a button. A proud rooster. A snake in a coil. A tadpole with legs. An unicorn with flowers. A vampire bat that is scary. A weasel has a long body. Xmas turkey with a decorated tree and present. A Yorkshire terrier that needs groomed and a zebra that lives in a zoo. Counting zero to nine.