Designed by
Savings Union Bank of San Francisco, 6. #231722748
Although this Savings Union Bank building was designed by a pair who had their training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, they actually began their professional careers right here in San Francisco, in 1898.The San Francisco Savings Union started it`s history, in 1862, originally on California Street, then known as the San Francisco Savings Union. After that building was destroyed by the earthquake of 1906, they moved to another building, this on Montgomery and California Streets, that survived the quake.While at this location, they started looking for a new, permanent location, which would also be more secure structurally. Having secured the lot at 1 Grant Avenue and started construction, they merged with the San Francisco Savings and Loan Society, thus creating the Savings Union Bank of San Francisco, in 1910, and moved into the new building at the about the same time.Surrounded by other equally beautiful buildings, it is a concept known as `City Beautiful`, to make a magnificent looking city. As seen in October 2021.
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