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Cocklebur xanthium agara burweed clotbur #234406648
Xanthium cocklebur is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower tribe within the daisy family, native to the Americas and eastern Asia and some parts of south Asia.The Artgal or xnthium or cocklebur is bitter, purifying the body, reducing depression, pungent, reducing kapha and vata. It is beneficial in leprosy, pain, itching, ulcers or wounds, edema and skin related diseases. It is used in the treatment of cough related diseases, fever, obesity, headache, tumor and abscess. Artgal flowers are of cold nature. The leaves of Artgal are columnar, diuretic and antipyretic prevents syphilis. The root of Artgal is bitter, removes weakness, wounds, inflammation in pore and heals abscess.