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Model of the city of Beit She`an, Scythopolis, Israel #237476587
This is a picture of a model of the city of Beit She`an, Scythopolis, Israel.Beit She`an Hebrew: ÃâõüÃâ¢Ãª éðÃÂÃÂøß About this soundBÃâṯ Ã
 Ãâ¢Ã¾ÃÂn help÷info, also known as Beisan Arabic: èÊóçÃâ About this soundBisÃÂn help÷info,[2] and historically known as Scythopolis ãúÃâ¦Ã¸ÃÅÃâ¬Ã¿Ã»Ã¹Ãâ in Ancient Greek is a city in the Northern District of Israel, which has played an important role in history due to its geographical location at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley.In the Biblical account of the battle of the Israelites against the Philistines on Mount Gilboa,[3] the bodies of King Saul and three of his sons were hung on the walls of Beit She`an 1 Samuel 31:10-12.[4] In Roman times, Scythopolis was the leading city of the Decapolis, a league of pagan cities.
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