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March for our lives San Francisco 2022 18 #249327676
On 14 March 2018, a 19 year old was able to shoot up the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, senselessly killing 17 and wounding 17 more.nIn response, and because the politicians have not been able to do anything to stop the senseless killing, on 24 March 2018, there was the largest ever protest in American history, led by young students, for better gun control, in Washington D.C.nThis has led to annual protest now around the country for gun control, this year being held on n11 June 2022. nto date, we have already had at least 254 mass shooting around the country with 19,095 fatalities. nThis is not something to be proud of. Enough is more than enough.nA wide group of Americans have joined this protests, from the very young to the very old, and has been covered heavily by the news media.
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