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Causonis trifolia bush grape plant #253186798
Causonis trifolia commonly known as bush Grape, fox-grape, three-leaved wild vine or threeleaf cayratia is a species of liana plant native to Australia and Asia. It has black-colored berries, and its leaves contain several flavonoids, such as cyanidin and delphinidin. Hydrocyanic acid is present in the stem, leaves and roots. The flowers are small greenish white and borne on solitary cymes in leaf axils. The fruit is fleshy, juicy, dark purple or black, nearly spherical and about 1 cm in diameter. Benefits of causonic trifolia have in Antioxidant activity, Antimicrobial activity, Anticancer activity, Neuroprotective effect, Anti-inflammatory effect, Cardioprotective effects, Antidiabetic effect, Antiviral effect etc.