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Mushrooms in the autumn northern forest. raincoat. Edible raincoat Lycoperdon perlatum. edible autumn mushroom. #258936747
Lycoperdon pyriforme fungi. Stump puffball, Lycoperdon pyriforme, group of pear-shaped mushrooms. Autumn in the northern forest. Common puffball, gem-studded puffball or devil s snuff-box Lycoperdon perlatum. A family of lycoperdon pyriforme fungi. Common puffball, gem-studded puffball or devil s snuff-box Lycoperdon perlatum. Clusters of young mushrooms Lycoperdon perlatum growing in a forest on an old stump, covered with moss. Mushrooms Lycoperdon Perlatum or common puffball colony on the floor of a pine forest. A group of The pearl puffer Lycoperdon perlatum in the park De Horsten in Wassenaar. Mature pear-shaped puffball fungus, lycoperdon pyriforme. Lycoperdon perlatum, commonly known as the puffball mushroom is a species of puffball fungus in the Agaricaceae family. This species can grow individually or in clumps, in small colonies such as this, or in fairy rings. Raincoat Latin Lycoperdon is a genus of mushrooms in the áhampignonaceae family; previously belonged to the raincoat family Lycoperdaceae. he actual raincoat is called young dense mushrooms, which have not yet formed a powdery mass of spores `dust`. Also called bee sponge, hare potato, and ripe mushroom ââ¬â flutter, pyrhovka, duster, grandfather`s tobacco, grandfather`s pipe, wolf tobacco, tobacco mushroom, devil`s tavlinka, smokies, golovachi, etc. Raincoats and dusters are edible until they lose their whiteness.