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Chimpanzee at Kibale Forest Uganda #268247527
Chimpanzees, great apes, found across central and West Africa. Along with bonobos, they are closest living relatives of humans, sharing 98.7 percent of human genetic blueprint. Humans and chimps are also thought to share a common ancestor, who lived some seven to 13 million years ago, endangered, animal, mammal, wild, highly social, wildlife, nature, black, face, sitting, portrait, eyes, hairy, baby, jungle, thinking, look, head, looking, fur, lowland, tree, led by Alpha male, live in communities of several dozens, females being more trusting and timid, female chimps have individual personalities, grooming, important part of social life, removes ticks and dirt from one another's body, normally walk on all fours, knuckle walking, stand up and walk upright, have long arms, hands and fingers, climb trees, swing from branch to branch, intelligent animal, uses tools, chimpanzees shape and use sticks to retrieve insects from their nests or dig grubs out of logs, use stones to smash open tasty nuts, employ leaves as sponges to soak up drinking water, Though many populations live in tropical rain-forests, they can also be found in woodlands and grasslands spanning from central to western Africa,