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Glutinous rice or pulut is a type of rice that grows a lot in Southeast Asia and East Asia which is served on banana leaves. #271050362
In the daily life of the people of Aceh, Bulukat has become a legendary food for the Acehnese themselves. Actually, bulukat is glutinous rice that is steamed until it becomes pulut. However, in the Acehnese community, Bulukat is a food that is not forgotten to be served in ceremonial ceremonies & x28;khanduri& x29; held in Aceh. From the past until now, when taking their children to study, parents will be busy making bulukat which will be taken to the place of recitation as a souvenir for the teacher of the Koran and all students studying there, but on the other hand it is as a symbol so that the lessons learned will be accepted by the child, embedded in his brain. This symbol is based on the fact that bulukat has inherent properties.