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Australian rosella in a Sydney garden #274611245
Rosellas are native to Australia and nearby islands,where they inhabit forests,woodlands,farmlands,and suburban parks and gardens. They are confined to the coastal mountains and plains and are absent from the outback. Introduced populations have also established themselves in New Zealand (notably in the North Island and in north Dunedin) and on Norfolk Island. Rosellas feed predominantly on seeds and fruit,with food held in the foot. They enjoy bathing in puddles of water in the wild and in captivity.[14] Rosellas scratch their heads with the foot behind the wing.[14]Mutual preening is not exhibited by the genus,and the courtship display is simple the male waves his tail sideways,and engages in some head bobbing,and the female reciprocates.[5]Like most parrots,they are cavity nesters,generally nesting high in older large trees in forested areas. They generally have a clutch size of several eggs which are incubated for around 21 days by the female alone. The male feeds the female through this time and for some time after incubation concludes. Quickly covered in a white down,chicks take around five weeks to fledge.