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Site of former Woodward's Gardens San Francisco 7 #274920675
Robert Woodward was one of the few lucky people who came to San Francisco,from Rhode Island,for the Gold Rush,who not only made money from it,but was able to save it and invest it wisely. This four acre site,which covers two city blocks,was originally his family home,before moving with his family to Napa. During a period when cities rarely had public parks free for all peoples,even non residents,he opened a very early form of multi theme park,with not just a garden,but also aquarium,zoo,and art gallery along side an amusement park. The famous photographer Eadweard Muybridge,who became famous for photographing animals and people in motion,started with the animals here. In fact,Monarch,the actual grizzly bear pictured on the California flag,came to the Gardens on 10 November 1889. Despite this,it was after Roberts death,in 1879,that the whole park was becoming less and less popular,forcing it to close altogether in 1891. Today,it is just shops and apartments,along with the former National Guard Armory. As seen 23 March 2023.
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