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Euphorbia milii beautiful red flower #280531019
This variety grows slightly creeping (scrambing), has a red flower sheath (cyathia) measuring 1 cm and has true yellow flowers. E. splendens can grow to 60-240 cm. besides E. splendens which has red flowers, there is also a yellow one, namely the lutea variety which is shorter in size than red flowers. Currently, plant breeders have developed a lot of E. milii. One country that has developed E. milii to date is Thailand. Apart from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia have also started cultivating E. milli. In Indonesia, this euphorbia is known as the Giwang Fern.E. milii has an unstable genetic nature because it has several chromosomes controlling the trait. From the same parent, many varieties of new offspring will be produced. Purification of varieties needs to be done to obtain relatively stable properties, both in terms of morphology, productivity, and resistance to pests and diseases.