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USA, AZ: Rare Sport - Quidditch > Fighting #30020443
More >ôQuidditch` photos in my portfolio! Quidditch is a fictional competitive sport in the wizarding world of the Harry Potter universe, which - obviously - has been adapted in the real world. Originally it is a rough but very popular sport, played by wizards and witches. Matches are played between two teams of seven players riding flying broomsticks, using four balls and six elevated ring-shaped goals, three on each side of the Quidditch pitch (field). In the pictures of my portfolio two teams of Arizona State University (ASU) play on the campus lawn in Tempe. The difficulty in playing quidditch seems to be to catch and hold the ball (quaffle) with one hand while the other hand has to hold on to the broomstick. Quidditch is now played at over 300 universities and high schools in the United States and 12 other countries.
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