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School of translucent catfish in aquarium #335944364
School of translucent catfish in aquarium, swimming together in a mesmerizing formation, visible internal organ, with green aquatic plants in the background. Kryptopterus vitreolus, known commonly as the glass catfish, the glass cat, the ghost catfish or the phantom catfish, is a small species of translucent-bodied, social glass catfish in the family Siluridae. It is commonly seen in captivity and in the freshwater aquarium trade, although its official taxonomy is still debatable, and was only truly resolved in 2013. Glass catfish are endemic to Thailand, where they inhabit rivers and streams south of the Isthmus of Kra that drain into the Gulf of Thailand and river basins in the Cardamom Mountains. There are also unconfirmed reports from Penang, Malaysia.