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The flower and buds of Strobilanthes Hamiltonian #349137982
Strobilanthes Hamiltonian (Steud.) Bosser&Heine is a species of upright sub shrub in the genus Strobilanthes [5] The stem is smooth and hairless, with grooves between the internodes Large leaves with stalks, smooth and hairless, small leaves with short or no stalks, large leaves lanceolate The top is heart-shaped, gradually pointed, the base is pointed, the leaflets are usually ovate, with fine serrations on the edges, both sides are smooth and hairless, and the flowers are solitary on the nodes The bracts and bracteoles fall early and are densely covered with long glandular hairs. The bracts are elliptical or elongated, with blunt or slightly concave tips Tile like arrangement The corolla is purple in color, not equal to the throat, and the coronal lobes are round The style is slightly hairy towards the base. The large leaves are lanceolate, the small leaves are usually ovate, with fine serrations on the edges, and both sides are smooth and hairless. The inflorescence forms a loose cone-shaped inflorescence, with a pink purple corolla and drooping flowers The flowering period is autumn.