Designed by
Hunnebed number D53 in Drenthe, The Netherlands #43185923
This Hunebed number D53 lays to the north of the Hunebeddenweg, a side road of the Van Helomaweg in Drenthe, a province in the east of the Netherlands. It was build during the Trechtbeker era. It is one of the biggest in its kind in The Netherlands. The hunebed was build out of 21 stones carrying it, 2 lockstones to close it of and 9 cover stones. The gate is still there, complete with 4 carry stones and 1 cover stonde. There are still 10 stones visable from the old garland. Another special thing about this hunebed is the fact there is a smaller one fairly close by. Its named number D54. In the nineteenth century this hunebed was bought by the Dutch state. It was broken down during the second world war to provide space for a german airfield. Because it was drawn several times, it was easy to build up after the was.