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Templo debod #49336170
The Temple of Debod is an ancient Egyptian building currently located in Madrid (Spain). It is located west of the Plaza of Spain, along the Paseo del Pintor Rosales (Parque del Oeste), a high where the headquarters of the Mountain (where there was a bloody episode in the Spanish Civil War) was. Being moved to Spain, stood so that would retain approximately the same orientation as in their place of origin, from east to west. Debod Temple was a gift from Egypt to Spain (1968), in compensation for Spanish aid, after the international call made by UNESCO to save the temples of Nubia, mainly that of Abu Simbel, endangered due to the construction of the Aswan Dam. Egypt donated four temples saved to different collaborating nations: the United States Dendur (is now in the Metropolitan Museum in New York), Ellesiya to Italy (Egyptian Museum of Turin), 1 Taff Holland (Rijksmuseum van Leiden Oudheden ) 2 and Debod to Spain.