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- 83 images
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1975: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Slalom skiing, circa
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1966: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Cairo, circa 1966.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1966: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Copenhagen, circa 1966.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1972: A stamp printed in Hungary shows the main square of Szarvas, circa 1972.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1978: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a Diesel MK 45 Locomotive, circa 1978.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1973: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Code Map of Hungary and a cro
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1976: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `Space Probes to Mars and Venus` issue shows Viking on Mars, circa 1976.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1969: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Hungarian herring fossilized fish, circa 1969.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a Tupolev TU-154, Malev and Europe map, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a Ilyushin IL-62, CSA, and North Africa map, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1973: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `Wild Flowers` issue, shows a French Rose, circa 1973.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `birds` issue shows a Peacock, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `birds` issue shows a green Peacock, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a Douglas DC-8, Swissair and South East Asia map, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1983: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Lesser spotted eagle Aquila pomarina, circa 1983.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1979: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a view of Nyirbator, circa 1979.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1963: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `Provincial Costumes` issue shows a man from Kapuvar, circa 1963.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a Tupolev TU-144, Aeroflot and Northern Europe map, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1963: A stamp printed in Hungary shows an Albanian stamp of 1962, circa 1963.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1976: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `Young animals` issue shows two young wild boars, circa 1976.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1969: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `1st Man on the Moon` 2nd issue shows Luna 1, circa 1969.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1969: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `1st Man on the Moon` 2nd issue shows Ranger 7 probe, circa 1969.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1973: A stamp printed in Hungary shows a view of Kaposvar, circa 1973.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1976: A stamp printed in Hungary hows Launch of Viking Mission, circa 1976.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1963: A stamp printed in Hungary from the `Transport and Communications` issue shows a trolley bus, circa 1963.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1977: A stamp printed in Hungary shows Alberto Santos-Dumont and airship Ballon No. 5 over Paris, circa 1977.
HUNGARY - CIRCA 1976: A stamp printed in Hungary shows the clash between Rakoczi`s Kuruts and Hapsburg Soldiers, circa 1976.
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