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- 62 images
Stunning landscape panorama of Swiss Alps, Fronalpstock, Klingenstock and Chaiserstock near Illgau. Illgau is a village in Schwyz
Stunning landscape panorama of Swiss Alps, Fronalpstock, Klingenstock and Chaiserstock near Illgau. Illgau is a village in Schwyz
Stunning landscape panorama of Swiss Alps, Fronalpstock, Klingenstock and Chaiserstock near Illgau. Illgau is a village in Schwyz
Stunning landscape panorama of Swiss Alps, Fronalpstock, Klingenstock and Chaiserstock near Illgau. Illgau is a village in Schwyz
Winter scene on Mt Klingenstock, Swiss Alps
Beautiful view on Swiss Alps from Klingenstock
Panoramic view on Swiss Alps from Klingenstock
Cable car to top of Klingenstock in Stoos skiing resort
Ski area Stoos, chair lift going to Mt Klingenstock
Ski slope on Mt Klingenstock and snow covered mountains
Stoos moorland plateau seen from Klingenstock, Switzerland
Klingenstock cable car station near Stoos village, Switzerland
Panoramic view of Swiss Alps from Klingenstock summit, Switzerland
Stoos, Swtizerland - July 18, 2024: Trail markers giving time and directions on the Stoos Ridge trail - Klingenstock to
Swiss Alps mountain range seen from summit of Klingenstock, Switzerland
Fronalpstock Klingenstock Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village. Grassland alps alpine
Fronalpstock Klingenstock Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village. Grassland alps alpine
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
Fronalpstock Klingenstock wooden chapel in Stoos in central Switzerland a small wintersport ski resort village
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